Thursday, June 09, 2005

Recitals, and more recitals!

Opus 11 presented their student recital on Tuesday, and we all settled down to hear some music. All the students played very well and their playing showed great improvement! Of the Marshall clan, Annick played "Medley on the Cross" on cello, and Evvie played "Rhiwadon" on harp. Tom, Hannah, Esther, Sam, and Jon DeL showed excellence in their playing, and Miss Theresa Eddy played "A Mighty Fortress", and we were all impressed with her beautifully fluid arpeggios!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goodness,goodness have we lost the Marshall's in the blogging world, could they be lost in the slough of blogsurfing??
Hope to see some updates soon!
The DeLs