Saturday, July 28, 2007

Chaperone at SSI

This week I was a chaperone for the Student Statesmanship Institute's summer program. I also volunteered to take promotional photos for the organization. I traveled with David and Amber Thompson, and their friend Richard Peak, and also roomed with Amber, and the founder's daughter Emily Muffett. It was an exciting and busy week! There were 2 trips to the Capitol, great speakers, fun games, and much more! Part of my duties as chaperone was to make sure the girls were in their rooms at the right time, as well as making sure everone came to the sessions, plus keeping the committee I was in charge of, on track. You can find out all about this program at .

All the SSI students, chaperones, ADCs, and directors on the steps of the Capitol building.

Jeff Visscher and his daughter Andi. Andi had fun pounding the gavel for this shot :0)
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Allison!

It was so much fun to experience SSI together. Thanks for being our photographer! How soon can we start scheming for next year? :)