Monday, February 25, 2008

Sledding at Stony Creek

After fellowship on Sunday, all the young-uns
piled into two cars and headed out to Stony Creek.

Some of the rides were only a little wild, as
the hill was somewhat icy and bumpy...

Ever gone down as a 'blob'? It's pretty fun.
Evereyone holds onto another's sled and
down you go as a big blob :oD

We made it back with only a few scrapes,
and had a lot of fun!
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Eleganza Strings/ The DeLadurantey Family said...

OOH! Looks like fun! Wish I could have been there!
Had to believe it was 95 today! Got a sunburn, ouch!

Hannah DeLa

Daisy said...

What fun you must've had sledding with such a big group. The blob looks like quite a ride. the vinecki family