Friday, July 07, 2006

Summer with the Lapeer Civic Orchestra!

The LCO performed its summer concert last evening. We played a variety of stirring music from patriotic to Leroy Anderson's Blue Tango.
Miss Wendy Case was our concertmistress, and she played the beautiful violin solo in Ashokan Farewell. Visit the
orchestra website to find out the details for our next concert in October!
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Anonymous said...

I finally managed to visit your blog site! :) How excited I feel about it!

I am very much impressed by your photos, Allison. Thank you for sharing your views and life with us! Recently, I begin to enjoy photography too. Surely, later we'll have more to share and talk about. I'll read more of your blogs later and leave more comments of course. :)

Eleganza Strings/ The DeLadurantey Family said...


What fun photos!