Saturday, November 03, 2007

A winner for: Captions Anyone?

Catrina announces that
Mr. Thomas DeL
is the winner!

This photo just begs for captions!
The winning caption will appear
below the photo, so send 'em in!

"I told you not to touch my presents, you two time'n double cross'n Sneaky Neaky"

Characters:Chief Cutreenu-BigBow
And Bad-Bandida Sneaky Neeky


Zyrek said...

Absolutely amazing.

Thomas DeL said...

"I told you not to touch my presents, you two time'n double cross'n Sneaky Neaky"

Characters:Chief Cutreenu-BigBow
And Bad-Bandida Sneaky Neeky

Eleganza Strings/ The DeLadurantey Family said...

Killer Catrina!


Eleganza Strings/ The DeLadurantey Family said...

Happy Birthday Bow Shooter Catrina!


Eleganza Strings/ The DeLadurantey Family said...

Oh! I think that Robinhoods daughter is going to kill Sneaky Neeky.

The Last of the Samarod!

Eleganza Strings/ The DeLadurantey Family said...

Drop it or DIE!


Anonymous said...

"Don't Shot I'm innocent!"


Scottie Moser said...

"Try to hit the pillow this time!"

Happy birthday, Catrina! (A little late... :-P)

Anonymous said...

My "DEER" Sister Annick:)


Anonymous said...

But cherub! I'm not ready to be struck by love yet! Stop picking on me!

Anonymous said...

The grim reaper returns with the ultimate power killer bow.

Thomas DeL said...

Thank you,Thank you ladies and gentlemen...I just want to thank ya'll for your wonderful entries. I'm sorry I had to win, but there can only be ONE "King of Comedy". I can say without being proudful(haha),"I'm the King".

Go TOm...go,go..Go Tom..go,go...Go Tom(me doing a little jig)

Anonymous said...

Is this "Marshall" Law? :)